Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mormons Carve out Niche in Facebook

Mormons are carving out their own cultural niche within Facebook. Later this week Pete Warden will release an abundance of Social Media analytics information to the public. Among this will be information about how Mormons interact with each other on Facebook.

An example of what will be said..."In the Mormon-influenced areas of Utah and Eastern Idaho, the most popular Fan pages are The Book of Mormon, Glen Beck and the vampire book Twilight, which was authored by a Mormon."...

Although there is a higher concentration of members in this region, I think this says alot about how Mormons as a whole have readily adopted social media as a communication device. Hopefully this will also dispel the myth which says Mormons don't use technology.

To read the whole article Click here. You will need to scroll about half way down the article to where the colored map is and then you will see the above mentioned quote.

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