Friday, August 21, 2009

What Will You Do?

I think a lot of the time the reason we do dumb, offensive things can be traced back to a few different reasons. The biggest of these is Love. I know that if we all felt like we were truly loved by everyone, and we in turn tried our best to love everyone, most of the problems out there wouldn't even exist. Instead, I focus on what I want, when I want it and how I'm going to get it, as do you, and everyone else.

That's not to say there's not the noble, the selfless, and the loving out there. We all have our moments of noble selflessness and service to others. If we could learn to capitalize on those moments, recognize them, and perpetuate them more often in our lives then I think we'd all be happier.

A wise man once said, "Each day try to make life a little easier and happier for each person you come in contact with and your life will be a success, a happy success." - Robert M. Shumate

I believe that. If we all were concerned about our neighbor more than ourselves, the world would be a different place.

So now that we've covered this topic here's our question..."What will I do to make the change?"

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